When people ask me to explain what Reiki is, even after 25 years of practice, I do not always have the words to help you understand it. SHOWING you how it feels to have a Reiki treatment...now that is a different story. My favorite way to explain Reiki is by allowing it to speak for itself~in PRACTICE!
We can probably all agree on the idea that Reiki is about moving energy. I think we can all agree that it can help relax you and allow you to take some time to pay attention to what is really going on in your mind, your body, your surroundings, your life, and more. More than likely we can all agree that for most people it definitely falls in the category of "WOO" and is often easily dismissed. For me, this is a challenge, and guess what---I have faced many challenges that are far more difficult, (and I'll bet you have too!) and THAT is why I practice and love to share REIKI!
The practice of Energy Healing is quite diverse. There are as many ways to sense and work with energy as there are people on the planet (and I'm sure, beyond!) There are many different names for it, Chi Gung, Ki, Bio-energy, Spiritual Healing, Therapeutic Touch, EFT. Reiki is just one of many practices and within it, there are many ways to work with it. For me, I began with the teachings of the International Center for Reiki Training and the path of Mikao Usui and have grown my practice steadily and intuitively from there .
To me, the most important thing to keep in mind when considering the study of energy healing traditions is that none of them are an instant fix for anything. The most important thing about them is that they are a PRACTICE, and that a good healer is not someone who magically erases all of the troubles in your life, a good "healer" is someone who can LISTEN to you and work with you to help you understand how YOU see, hear, smell, touch, taste, and sense energy. We can help you open up your gifts and find the best ways to grow your own practice. Personally, I like to think of it like this:

If you are still reading, it is likely that you, like me, are one of the CURIOUS. This is not to be confused with one of the "SEARCHING". For me, there is no question that energy exists. For me, the most amazing thing about it is discovering how to work with it, and continuing to add to our practices as we learn along the way. Personally, I appreciate REIKI as a baseline and foundation for all of the other practices that have naturally followed once I understood that everything is energy and energy is everything. It can be overwhelming at first when you begin to wake up to the many ways to work with it. Reiki reminds us that we do not have to have all the answers, but to be open to them at the same time. It gives us a system that we can use to grow our own understanding as well as help others. Reiki is a practice that helps us to understand what being centered feels like and to be able to get to that place no matter what difficulties we might be facing at the moment.
All that being said, I know that I have barely scratched the surface on explaining Reiki. For those of you who have had a Reiki treatment, or maybe some Reiki training, I would love for you to share some of your insights or experience in the comments. For those of you who have only just heard about Reiki, or are curious about a session, please feel free to reach out. For all of you, I am here for you no matter where you are on your journey. I offer sessions, ICRT/Usui Reiki Certified Training, mentorship in Reiki and growing your understanding of the energy body, as well as scientific and spiritual aspects of tapping into your gifts and sharing them with the WORLD!
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