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Happy HOLYdays


Greetings from Eugene, Oregon!

This beautiful photo was taken on the Summer Solstice this year from the field right next door to where I live. We call this the Buddha tree (for obvious reasons!) and where it sits in the West is like a marker for how far North or South the Sun is sitting on the horizon. I have been watching the cycles for almost 3 years now and every day it is absolutely MAGICAL! We actually live just South of the "45th Parallel North" latitude line, which is the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole, and as you can see, on the Summer Solstice the SUN sits directly in the belly of the Buddha!

On this day Buddha was truly embodying the VIOLET FLAME. Such a BLESSING!

With the opposite Solstice turning point on the horizon in a few days, in the midst of
the 12/12-12/21 Gateway, we are honoring a bigger turn of the "WHEEL". This year a group of us from the Mothership Alliance (aka MA) have been holding an event we decided to call the "FINAL COUNTDOWN" and I wanted to share a little bit about the "WHY".

Short answer: Anytime is a good time to come together and celebrate LIGHT! (PS: Tonight at sundown HANNUKAH begins...but that is another post waiting to happen!)

Longer answer: We are celebrating the fact that it has been a full 10 years since the 12/12/12-12/21/12 gateway event, and while many people may still feel like it wasn't all it was advertised to be, those of us "with eyes to see and ears to hear" understood that it was truly a wakey wakey event. (next up on the KLOO jukebox- Champaign Supernova ( LOL. Exactly!)

While 12/12/12 may not have been a "BIG BANG" where everything was fixed in an instant, it was really more like the wake-up "alarm" went off, and while it drew more people closer to their Spiritual and Energy practices than ever, it's almost as though the choice to hit the "snooze" button has been made more than once over the past decade. What I am "hearing" as Spirit is showing me this metaphor, is that each time we do that (and they are actually showing me 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, and NOW) the dream spell created by our subconscious collective continues to DE-volve! Is it going to take a true nightmare to jolt us out of our slumber? LET'S VOTE NO!

I know that many of us are dismayed by the ways things have been, and still are being run, but the FACTS are that AS LONG AS WE WAIT FOR SOMEONE (or something) ELSE TO FIX IT we will continue to have to WAIT. If we want to see a world of peach and abundance actually coming to fruition we must be an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in the collective that we are living in. We must not just watch, we need to take CONSCIOUS ACTION. Otherwise, it's just like watching TV instead of becoming a LIVING WORK OF ART!

The GOOD NEWS that I am hearing from my "TEAM" (aka-the COSMIC COMEDIANS) is that everything is actually working EXACTLY as it is supposed to be. That the crescendo that we are experiencing is simply the last gasps of a system that is being replaced, quietly, efficiently, expertly, and joyfully. 12/12/12 may have felt a little flat after all the buildup to it, but if you look at how many people began to really kick their Spiritual practices into gear and begin to understand the cycles, technology, intentions, biology, etc..., and begin to work towards SELF MASTERY you can see that it actually was a turning point. We have the technology. Time to use it!

So, here we are, 10 Years After, (not currently on my radio, but appropriate!: ) WE, the artists, empaths, psychics, healers, dreamers, been incubating and growing our seeds from within, delving into our practices, shoring up and defining our boundaries, strengthening our energy fields, and really starting to understand the power of who we truly are! We are honoring the relationships that we have with our planet, all life forms on it, and beyond. We have recognized that we have something worth sharing and we have been working on how best to share it. To this, I say I SEE YOU and I RESPECT YOU!

THAT being said, I also want to say that NOW is our time. Our time to come together. Our time to share with each other. Our time to swap "codes" and "keys" and GLOW EACH OTHER UP! There is no longer any need for competition, for judgement of one another, for secrets, lies, and deception. Soon it will not even be possible for this to exist in our presence. THE LIGHT ALWAYS SHOWS US THE TRUTH and YOU ARE THE LIGHT! Don't be afraid to SHINE. IT'S TIME!! #thankyouforbeinghere #now #present #itsagift #youarethelight #shinebright #endoluminous #rockreiki #reikion

Want to learn more about how to really step into your power and practice? Would you like to deepen your understanding of Reiki and other forms of energy work? Maybe you just need a little intuitive guidance? I'm here for you. You can find out more about what I have to offer here:

Check out what Lucy the Starbeing has to say about this Cosmic Gateway:

Many Blessings and for those of you who celebrate Hannukah: CHAG SAMEACH!!

~In Lak'ech!

Michelle "Mandalafly" Crisanti

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