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Here it is again. Time for our annual "Feast-a-Palooza" here in the USA, and no matter how it happened to come about, it is a time of reflection on all the reasons that we have to GIVE THANKS.

I don't think I need to get into extolling the virtues of gathering with family and friends, eating, drinking, being merry...and all the things that are supposed to go with it. I'm also not here to remind you that for many reasons the holiday season is not easy for everyone. What I am here to share is about the practice of REIKI and how it is a reminder to be Grateful EVERY day!

When you begin on the Reiki path, the 5 Reiki Principles of Mikao Usui are pretty much the first thing that you learn.


1. Do Not Worry

2. Do Not Anger

3. Do Your Work with Honesty & Integrity

4. Be Kind to All Living Things


These 5 principles are the foundation of the Reiki practice and are very powerful tools for transformation. When we are on the healing path it can quickly become overwhelming when old feelings, fears, patterns, and habits come up to remind us that there is work to be done. Coming back to these simple principles is a great way to come back to center and remember what is important right now.

So, here we are, stepping into Thanksgiving, kicking off the end of the year Holiday season and I am here to say THANK YOU. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for all that you ARE. Thank you for your contribution to the world. Thank you for looking out for each other.

Thank you for practicing GRATITUDE not Just for Today, but EVERYDAY!


GIVE THE GIFT OF REIKI: Buy a Gift Card for sessions between Today and 12/21/2022 and I will upgrade the value by 25%!

Good for Reiki/WeaveDreaming/EndoLuminous/&Journey Sessions.

Not applicable for products (Candles, stickers, art...etc.)

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